
Showing posts from September, 2017

In to the garden of JBMCTE !!

  The refreshment and relaxation, gardening provides is really amazing. Pouring water to plants, plucking grass, taking care of plants and the happiness witnessing blooming flowers fills our heart with a sense of achievement. It is really an art of digging up the hard Earth and making it's heart soft.

Art hours !!

The most enjoyable hours in the week would be the art hours. The creativity of others seems to be entertaining. Chart, model, Glass painting, geometrical shape and greeting card covered our art hours.

Oanm celebration!!

Onam Celebration held on August 30 was a most enjoyable function in our campus. The division of groups as "Emerald" and "Ruby", with various competitions such as Flower Carpet, Malayali Manka, Thiruvathira, Onappattu, Vanchippattu, Folk dance was really a great enjoyment.Our friend, Athira.L had won the Malayali Manka competition and 'Ruby' group championed the competitions.After a delicious 'sadhya', the presence  of Maveli and various games  colored the afternoon.

SUPW (Interior design)

    The first encounter I had met reaching JBMCTE was the task of Socially Useful Productive Works(SUPW) and I was under Interior design.The week of SUPW was such an interesting and enjoyed days with delicious snacks from the Cooking group. We had made paper butterfly, newspaper craft, ribbon flower, mat with cloth individually and pista tulip flower as a group.The exhibition of our creativity had been held at the end of the week.

First day experience

I was much late to college and was unable to attend the inauguration initiated by our seniors.The first day gave such a nice and different experience of self introduction and a song in the assembly.From the first day itself I understood the coming 2 years would be much different from my 5 years experience in Arts college. However, the teachers and friends helped me to get in to the track.